See also:

2nd Pre-Convention Event – 4th Corinth Area Convention Narcotics Anonymous (CACNA)

2ο Προσυνεδριακό Event - 4ο Τοπικό Συνέδριο Περιοχής Κορινθίας Ναρκομανών Ανωνύμων (ΤΣΠΚΝΑ)

2nd Pre-Conference Event EYP of Corinth

The Saturday, July 6, 2024 in POSEIDONIA BEACH (CORINTHOS) and arrival time 15:30, we are waiting for you all to meet again, take our dives and live this beautiful experience... Also, at 20:30 there will be a recovery meeting (those who want to bring chairs with you)!
*** Another pre-conference event will follow on Saturday, August 3.