38th World Congress of Narcotics Anonymous (WCNA 38) “The Power of Love”

38ο Παγκόσμιο Συνέδριο Ναρκομανών Ανωνύμων (WCNA 38) "The Power of Love"




38ο Παγκόσμιο Συνέδριο Ναρκομανών Ανωνύμων (WCNA 38) "The Power of Love"

38th World Congress of Narcotics Anonymous
(WCNA 38) “The Power of Love”

The 38th World Congress of Narcotics Anonymous (WCNA 38) under the name "The Power of Love", is now a fact.
It will take place in Washington, DC, USA from 29 August to September 2024.
For more information (registration, accommodation, etc.) at www.na.org/wcna.
Registration has already started!!!!✨