October 22 / Look who's talking

"Our disease is so cunning, it can get us into unimaginable situations."
Basic Text, p. 97

Some of us say: "My illness speaks to me." Others say: "My mind doesn't stop at anything." And others talk about the "chaos" that prevails in their head or the "monkey".

Let's make a decision. We suffer from an incurable disease that continues to affect us even in recovery. Our illness gives us distorted information about what is happening in our lives. It tells us not to look at ourselves, because what we will see will be quite frightening. Sometimes it tells us that we are not responsible for ourselves and our actions; other times, it tells us that we are to blame for all the wrongs in the world. Our illness tricks us and we trust it.

In the NA program we hear other people's voices, which act as a counterweight to our addiction and which we can trust. We can call upon our supporter to help us see our reality. We can hear the voice of a drug addict trying to stay clean. The best solution is to work the Steps and draw courage from a Higher Power. All this will help us in those moments when the disease speaks to us.

Just for today

I will ignore the "voice" of my addiction. I will listen to that of the program and a Power greater than myself.