April 12 / The bigger picture

“All spiritual awakenings have a few things in common. These include the end of loneliness and a sense of direction in our lives."
Basic Text, p. 57

Some spiritual experiences happen when we come face to face with something bigger than ourselves. It is then that we suspect that we are dealing with forces beyond our understanding. A larger reality is briefly revealed to us, and in that moment we feel humbled.

Our journey through the Twelve Steps will give us a spiritual experience of this nature, but one that will be clear and lasting. We enter into a continuous process of weakening our self-centeredness and at the same time our perception of life expands. Our view of the world reaches a point where we stop feeling that only we are so important.

In this new level of consciousness we no longer feel cut off from the rest of humanity. Maybe we don't understand why the world is the way it is, or why people sometimes treat each other so brutally. But we understand what pain means and in recovery we do everything in our power to ease it. When our own effort is combined with the effort of others, we become an important part of a wonderful plan. Finally, we belong to something bigger than ourselves.

Just for today

I am but a small part of the bigger picture. I humbly accept my position.