February 13 / The ties that unite us

"As long as the ties that unite us are stronger than those that would separate us, everything will be fine."
Basic Text, p. 69

Many of us believe that without NA we would surely have died from this disease. Therefore, its existence is vital to us. However, sometimes in NA there is a problem with unity. We need to learn to deal constructively with the divisive tendencies that sometimes arise in the fraternity. When we choose to be part of the solution and not part of the problem, we are moving in the right direction.

Maintaining an atmosphere of recovery in our gatherings is a prerequisite for both our personal recovery and NA growth. Are we willing to support our team in managing a conflict? Do we, as team members, try to face difficulties with honesty, open-mindedness and impartiality? Is our primary concern to support the common welfare or our personal views? And, as trusted servants, do we consider how our actions may affect newcomers?

Services can bring out the best and worst of us. Often, however, it is through service that we begin to come into contact with some of our most persistent character flaws. Do we avoid committing to a service, so as not to be confronted with a difficult side of ourselves? If we recognize that our strength comes from the bonds that unite us, namely recovery from active addiction, then everything will indeed be okay.

Just for today

My goal is to serve the brotherhood. I will not be afraid of what this may reveal to me.