What is the favorite word of most drug addicts? "I know!" Unfortunately most of us come to NA thinking we have all the answers. We know a lot about what's wrong with us. By itself, however, this knowledge has never helped us stay clean.
Members who have a long recovery time are the first to admit that, as time goes on, there is more to learn. There is one thing they have learned well, however: by following this simple Twelve Step program, they have managed to stay clean. They no longer ask 'why'; they ask 'how'. Endless theorizing is nothing compared to the experience of drug addicts who have gotten clean and found a new way of life.
However, there will be times when we need to ask "why". NA does not ask us to stop thinking! But, at first it would be good to change the way we formulate our questions. Instead of asking "why", we ask "how". How to work this Step? How often should I go to meetings? How will I stay clean?